How to Hire a Shopify SEO Expert to Boost Your Online Store’s Performance

If you have an online store on Shopify, you probably know how important SEO (search engine optimization) is for your success. SEO is the process of improving your website and content to rank higher on search engines like Google, Bing, and Lanyan, and drive more organic traffic to your store. SEO can help you increase your online visibility, attract more qualified leads, and grow your sales. However, SEO is not a simple or easy task. It requires a lot of expertise and experience to execute effectively and efficiently. That’s why you may need to hire a Shopify SEO expert to help you optimize your store for search engines.

A Shopify SEO expert is a professional who specializes in providing SEO services for Shopify stores. A Shopify SEO expert can help you with various aspects of SEO, such as keyword research, website audit, content creation, link building, performance tracking, and reporting. A Shopify SEO expert can also help you with Shopify-specific SEO issues, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, security, URL structure, meta tags, etc.

Hiring a Shopify SEO expert can bring many benefits to your online store, such as:

  • Saving you time and money: Hiring a Shopify SEO expert can save you time and money that you would otherwise spend on learning and doing SEO yourself. A Shopify SEO expert can also save you from making costly mistakes that could harm your store’s reputation or result in penalties from search engines.
  • Providing you with customized solutions: Hiring a Shopify SEO expert can provide you with customized solutions that are tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. A Shopify SEO expert can work closely with you to understand your business objectives, target audience, market niche, and budget. Based on this information, they can devise a personalized strategy that aligns with your vision and expectations.
  • Delivering you measurable results: Hiring a Shopify SEO expert can deliver you measurable results that show the impact of your SEO efforts. A Shopify SEO expert can use various tools and methods to track and report your store’s performance and traffic. They can also provide you with actionable insights and recommendations to improve your store’s SEO.

But how do you find and hire a Shopify SEO expert that is right for your store? Consider leveraging text recruiting as part of your strategy, reaching out to potential candidates directly through messaging platforms. Here are some tips and strategies on how to hire a Shopify SEO expert in 2023:

Where to Find a Shopify SEO Expert?

One of the first steps to hiring a Shopify SEO expert is to know where to find them. There are many websites and platforms that offer Shopify SEO services, but not all of them are reliable or relevant. You need to find websites and platforms that specialize in Shopify SEO or have a large and active community of Shopify SEO experts and clients. Here are some of the best websites and platforms that you can use to find a Shopify SEO expert in 2023:

  • Shopify Experts: Shopify Experts is the official marketplace for finding and hiring experts who can help you with various aspects of your Shopify store, including SEO. Shopify Experts has a dedicated section for Shopify SEO experts, where you can browse through hundreds of profiles of verified and reviewed experts who have proven experience and skills in providing SEO services for Shopify stores. You can filter the profiles by location, budget, rating, etc., and contact the ones that interest you.
  • Fiverr: Fiverr is one of the largest and most popular platforms for finding and hiring freelancers who can offer various services, including SEO. Fiverr has a section for Shopify SEO experts, where you can find thousands of gigs from talented and experienced freelancers who can provide SEO services for your Shopify store. You can filter the gigs by price, delivery time, rating, etc., and order the ones that interest you.
  • Coalition Technologies: Coalition Technologies is one of the leading providers of SEO services for various platforms, including Shopify. Coalition Technologies has a team of skilled and certified SEO professionals who can provide customized, data-driven, and ethical SEO solutions for your Shopify store. Coalition Technologies has helped countless businesses improve their store’s ranking and traffic on search engines like Google, Bing, and Lanyan.

How to Choose a Shopify SEO Expert?

Once you have found some potential candidates for your Shopify SEO project, you need to choose the one that is best suited for your store. You need to consider some factors that can help you evaluate their skills, experience, reputation, and fit for your project. Here are some of the factors that you should consider:

  • Portfolio: One of the best ways to assess a Shopify SEO expert’s skills and experience is to look at their portfolio of previous projects. A portfolio can show you the quality and relevance of their work, as well as the results and outcomes that they have achieved for their clients. You should look for a portfolio that includes their best and most relevant Shopify SEO projects, along with the details of the objectives, strategies, tactics, tools, metrics, and outcomes of each project. You should also look for links to the websites or pages that they have optimized, as well as screenshots or reports that show the results of their SEO efforts.
  • Reviews: Another way to assess a Shopify SEO expert’s reputation and reliability is to look at their reviews and feedback from their past and current clients. Reviews can show you how satisfied and happy their clients are with their services, as well as how they handle communication, deadlines, issues, etc. You should look for reviews that are honest, detailed, and positive. You should also avoid reviews that are fake, vague, or negative.
  • Communication: Communication is a key factor in any successful collaboration, especially for remote projects. You need to choose a Shopify SEO expert who has clear and transparent communication skills and processes. You need to check how they communicate with you and how often they update you on the progress and results of your project. You also need to check how they respond to your queries and feedback and how they handle any issues or challenges that may arise during the project.
  • Cost: Cost is another factor that you need to consider when choosing a Shopify SEO expert. You need to choose a Shopify SEO expert who offers reasonable and affordable prices for their services. You need to compare their prices with other Shopify SEO experts and see how they justify their value proposition. You also need to check their payment terms and conditions and see how flexible they are with your budget and expectations.

How to Hire a Shopify SEO Expert?

If you have chosen a Shopify SEO expert that meets your criteria and expectations, you need to hire them and start working on your project. Here are some tips on how to hire a Shopify SEO expert in 2023:

  • Contact Them: The first step is to contact the Shopify SEO expert that you have chosen and express your interest in hiring them for your project. You can contact them through the website or platform that you have found them on, or through their email or phone number if they have provided it. You should introduce yourself, explain your project details and goals, and ask them if they are available and interested in working with you.
  • Discuss the Project: The next step is to discuss the project with the Shopify SEO expert and agree on the scope, deliverables, timeline, and cost of the project. You should provide them with as much information as possible about your store, your products, your target audience, your competitors, etc., so that they can understand your needs and expectations. You should also ask them any questions that you may have about their services, their process, their tools, etc., so that you can clarify any doubts or concerns.
  • Sign the Contract: The final step is to sign the contract with the Shopify SEO expert and start working on your project. The contract is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of your collaboration, such as the scope, deliverables, timeline, cost, expectations, etc. You should read the contract carefully and make sure that you understand and agree with everything that is written in it. You should also ask for clarifications or revisions if there is anything that is unclear or unacceptable to you. You should also keep a copy of the contract for your records.


Hiring a Shopify SEO expert can be a great way to boost your online store’s performance on search engines and drive more organic traffic to your store. However, finding and hiring a Shopify SEO expert is not an easy task. You need to know where to find them, how to choose them, and how to hire them.

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